Faith at Altitude

Religion and spirituality in the shadow of Pikes Peak

Thursday, March 15, 2007

New Guy in Town

Catholic Charities of Colorado Springs has hired Jason Christensen (former regional director of Catholic Charities in Rockford, Ill.) as its new executive director. According to a press release, he'll be starting his new duties by the end of the month.

Hiring Christensen means that the Rev. Don Dunn, rector for St. Mary's Cathedral, can take off one of his hats. Dunn, 70, has been Catholic Charities' interim director for about four months now, all the while pushing forward as head of the city's most important Catholic parish. He volunteered for the gig even though he's planning to retire this summer, and he's been putting in 60-hour weeks ever since. Now, maybe, he can ease back to a mere 55 or so.

When I talked with Dunn a week or so ago, he said Catholic Charities was, curiously, a way to prepare him for retirement. It allowed him to wean himself a bit from St. Mary's -- the job he'll most miss when he steps down.

I'll be writing a profile on the priest that will run in The Gazette in the next few weeks. He's a fascinating guy.


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