Faith at Altitude

Religion and spirituality in the shadow of Pikes Peak

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

School and State

In this morning's Gazette, education reporter Brian Newsome wrote a story about home schooling. He points out that there are a gazillion reasons parents choose to home school their children. One of the biggest is religion.

If my e-mail in-box is any indication, pockets of this religious home-school movement across the country are getting more vocal -- and more political.

Earlier this year, a clutch of Southern Baptists pushed their national assembly to encourage parents to pull their students out of public schools. And this morning, I received a press release from a group called "Considering Homeschooling," calling for Christian parents in California to pull their children out of public schools en masse.

"'Heck no, our kids won't go!' should be the rallying cry of Christian parents this week as school starts, instead of following the broad road of perversion and destruction that California schools are offering," said Charles B. Lowers, executive director of Considering Homeschooling in a recent press release.

The trigger for this educational boycott is a bill passed by California lawmakers that would prohibit schools from teaching anything that "reflects adversely" on people because of their sexual orientation.


Blogger The Mama of the House said...

What's ironic is that the public schools are now promoting homeschooling for the Christian right in our town. And, they're signing up in droves. The programs are generally of very high quality and vary the parent's schooling scheduling. Plus, they offer to do the hard things parents don't often have time for like music, languages, and art.

8:35 PM  

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